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Testimonials & Reviews

The last one is the best one...

An absolute brilliant 5 days with superb coaching which was fantastic fun, very informative, at a good proggesion which worked for the whole group, and most importantly safety as the number priority.
- Colin, May 2018

Gave everyone an opportunity to try different exits, slots and skills to establish strengths and what needed more work. Covered all bases in that respect. Learned a lot about the theoretical side of bigways before attempting to put it into practice in the sky.
- Kicking Kat, May 2018

Great dropzone, positive people, awesome LO from Brian and ninja camera skills from Paul. Loved the balloon jump and Innhopp :)
- Cat, May 2018

Seriously good fun, great vibes, learnt a lot.
- John, May 2018

Brian's dedication to getting the most out of everyone individually and as a group as a whole was evident from day zero. I don't think these is a signal person on the camp who didn't learn and progress through the week. It was an environment to make mistakes and learn from them without any unnecessary pressure. I absolutely can't wait until next year! :)
- Hallam, May 2018

The weather, the people, the jumps, the epic coach, what wasn't to like? Even the mini tornado, I had a blast and can't wait for the next one.
- James Perry, May 2018

Most carnage and fun I have ever had. Ah no, great Craic, great people and pressure free learning.
- Ger, May 2018

Great location with professional and sympathetic instruction enabling maximum progress and inspiring confidence.
- Griff, May 2018

Brilliant 4 days with great people and so many new experiences. Loved your style of coaching and positive no blame debriefs. Learnt so much over the 4 days. Can't wait to do it again. Thank you
- Andy, May 2018

Great experience and introduction into big way with superb coaching from you Brian and to get to not only see multi planes jumps but to see the planes flying so close to each other, plus being a super floater for a couple of time was epic watching all the other jumpers coming out of the back of the sky vans, can't wait for next year or if poss again this year at any dz in England pretty please šŸ˜‰
- Jason Langridge, May 2018

Amazing camp everyone should try experienced at Bigway or not, the no blame no stress just education from Brian makes the time spent there so relaxing šŸ‘
- James Allen, May 2018

Superbly organised, fastidiously briefed, incisecivly de-briefed. Fantastically, skilfully and energetically approaches.
- Ian Longbottom (aka ā€œtrouble makerā€), May 2018

Cool planes, 2 plane formations, baloon jumps, high altitude jumps, excellent DZ with massive landing area, no blame big camp, great bunch of people and great coaching. Not in this order and I am sure that I didn't cover everything
- Marek Dhlos, May 2018

Better than sex, and no Iā€™m not doing it wrong....
- Smudge, May 2018

I got to try all slots. Including load organizer slot. I enjoyed every single slot. Debriefs were quite good...simple and accurate.
- Martin Skrbel, May 2018

Absolutely amazing. It was great to see the organisers and DZ working so well together! We never felt time pressure to get on a lift before we were ready, but were still able to do the amount of jumps we set out to do on the camp(even with some weather holds!) plus balloon jumps, an innhopp, and high altitude jumps! So many firsts :)

Really enjoyed the positive energy in the group. Pretty cool to have people from all over the country/world, all different ages, coming together because of skydiving. Knowing I left the camp with more confidence in the sky and new friends is an amazing feeling!
- Jess, May 2018

The jumps were very well put together throughout the camp, starting off simple to see where everyone was at and then working on improving everyone skills as the camp went on. I am happy to say that I finished the camp feeling more confident about my own bigway skills and my ability to jump with much larger groups, thanks to Brian :)
- Anon, May 2018

Really good camp, well organised, the innhopp/balloon stuff were great additions. Only not 5* as the actual formation stuff was questionable - appreciate this was a beginner camp though
- Jamie, May 2018

Very professionally organised camp. Brian gave attention to every member of the group. Everyone had the chance of improving skills. No one was left behind!
- Giuseppe Gigantesco, May 2018

2 skyvans, multi plane, balloon jumps, innhop, high altitude jumps, fantastic weather, fantastic DZ, great food, and a great bunch of people. What more do you want?? Oh yeah, great load organising from Brian.
- Paul Rimmington, May 2018

The structure of progress is what impressed me the most. If you say to twenty two skydivers of differing ability to go for it and dock right from the off, it would be mayhem and would damage a few egos too. Allowing people to show that they can be in the right place in the sky, then next jump letting them progress further is a considerate and intelligent approach and helps each individual target their own weak areas too. Very impressive.
- Phil Murray, May 2018

Like many other bigway camps, It all begins with a story. This story so happens to be of man, looking for direction in life after his failed attempt at becoming a professional lion tamer. Wandering the dusty roads of west Ireland, He stumbles apron a flyer. A picture of a famous world record holder in some sort of 70's style white suit, and black knight like helmet pointing at him, with a bold font writing and fire in his eyes, almost screaming out at the wanderer ''backflip you shall not, but if you shall backflip, I shall forgive you my son''. For a brief moment, the lonely wanderer thinks that this is some sort of lost soul from a mental hospital selling a new found religion. Quickly that thought passes and he realises, he and he alone is being called for something greater. Perhaps, this is what he has heard of on the book of many faces. Quickly, he sends his carrier pigeon to inform this great master of the sky that he shall attend what will forever become known as 'Brian's Bigway Camp 2018'. Little does he know of the true delights that he shall face along his journey... The wanderer, realising that this story is really getting out of hand and needing to go to bed, as he has to get up early for work the next day, decides to cut the dramatic tale to an end, opting for a more 'bullshit free' review, screams at the top of his voice ''BEST SKYDIVING EXPERIENCE OF HIS LIFE''

- if you couldnt already tell, its the guy who saved kids from the quick sand aka Richard, aka Rico Morales, mexico's no.1 male stripper, May 2018